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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
canal boat
▪ Born on a canal boat, she had a brief childhood before learning to lead the mules that pull the boat.
▪ For most purposes the floor of a canal boat may be considered stable, like that of a domestic interior.
▪ The little sketch of Crinan Canal shows the halting-place where passengers wait to re-embark on board the canal boat.
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Canal boat

Canal \Ca*nal"\, n. [F. canal, from L. canalis canal, channel; prob. from a root signifying ``to cut''; cf. D. kanaal, fr. the French. Cf. Channel, Kennel gutter.]

  1. An artificial channel filled with water and designed for navigation, or for irrigating land, etc.

  2. (Anat.) A tube or duct; as, the alimentary canal; the semicircular canals of the ear.

  3. A long and relatively narrow arm of the sea, approximately uniform in width; -- used chiefly in proper names; as, Portland Canal; Lynn Canal. [Alaska]

    Canal boat, a boat for use on a canal; esp. one of peculiar shape, carrying freight, and drawn by horses walking on the towpath beside the canal.

    Canal lock. See Lock.

canal boat

n. a long narrow boat used on canals to carry freight [syn: narrow boat, narrowboat]

Canal boat

Canal Boat may refer to:

There are three articles associated with canal watercraft:

  • The Volunteer (canal boat), A replica 1848 canal boat docked on the Illinois and Michigan Canal at LaSalle, Illinois
  • Narrowboat, a specialized craft for operation in early narrow canals
  • Barge, a more generic term that includes canal craft

Usage examples of "canal boat".

Saw the canals of Venice, and a canal boat with what could only be a bridal couple.

But there was one oddity, in the way of an ex voto, which pleased me hugely: a faithful model of a canal boat, swung from the vault, with a written aspiration that God should conduct the Saint Nicolas of Creil to a good haven.

After they checked in and dropped their bags, Maya took off for a walk through the streets of Hell's Gate, happy to be out of the canal boat's confinement, able to get off by herself.

Shortly after the conviction of the two brothers, someone, almost certainly one or both of the two brothers that had not been brought to justice, placed in Peter's weekend canal boat a huge bomb wired up to the ignition switch - same technique as was used by the murderers who assassinated Lord Mountbatten.

He leaned against the wall and rolled his shoulders the way men do who have finished unloading cargo from a canal boat and are easing and stretching their muscles.